Introduction to scientific legal research

A practical and methodological instruction for doctoral students, master's students and young researchers


Contribution to the Doctoral Studies Program, Semester 1, 2013/14; 16.-20.12.2013, 08:00 - 12:00 and 18.-20.12.2013, 14:00 - 17:00; room B.301 (building B)

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Course Description

This course is an optional course within the Doctoral Studies Program of Hanoi Law University. The course is taught in English. It deals with the basic idea of scientific legal research and with the standards and requirements for a scientific thesis in the field of law, including formal standards such as the the scientific style of writing and the art of scientific quoting. It also addresses practical issues, steps and stages and strategies for a successful thesis project.

The course is open for all doctoral students, interested master's students and young researchers. The course will combine lectures (in the morning) and individual consultation (in the afternoon). The individual consultation will take place in room A.603 (building A).

Downloads (PDF files)

An older Version of the materials is also availale in German.


Course outline   






Materials concerning § 1 of the course


Materials concerning § 2 of the course


Overview: Information on legal literature in the internet


Materials concerning § 3 of the course


Overview: Types of scientific theses (→ aid for illustration presented in the lecture)


Materials concerning § 4 of the course

Contents (summary/details)

§ 1  The doctoral thesis in legal science

  1. What is a scientific thesis?

  2. Why should I write a scientific thesis?

  3. What are the costs and dangers of a thesis project?

§ 2  The steps and stages of a thesis project

  1. Project planning and determination of the subject

  2. Familiarization with the subject and the relevant law

  3. Gathering and management of informations and materials

  4. Thorough scientific reflection and outline of the thesis

  5. Writing down of the thesis

  6. Final review of the thesis

§ 3  Intellectual standards for a scientific thesis

  1. Standards of intellectual authenticity and originality

  2. Standards of intellectual accuracy, consistency and precision

  3. Standards of intellectual thoroughness

§ 4  Formal standards for a scientific thesis

  1. Introduction

  2. The formal structure of the thesis

  3. The scientific style of writing

  4. The art of scientific quoting

  5. The formatting of the scientific text

  6. Other formal standards


[A. General introductions] [B. Introductions to scientific style] [C. Introductions to scientific legal research] [D. Practical guides for thesis project] [E. Practical guides on special aspects]

Preliminary remark: Note that the approach to scientific legal research is different in countries with common law or continental law tradition. This does not only apply with regard to the methods and sources but also to the style of writing. Most books in English only present the common law approach while those in German or French present the continental approach.

A. General introductios to scientific research


Balzert, Helmut von; Kern, Uwe; Schäfer, Christian; Schröder, Marion: Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten. Wissenschaft, Quellen, Artefakte, Organisation, Präsentation, 2nd edition 2011


Dunleavy, Patrick:  Authoring a PhD. How to Plan, Draft, Write and Finish a Doctoral Thesis or Dissertation, 2003


Franck, Norbert: Handbuch Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten, 2nd edition 2007


Franck, Norbert; Stary, Joachim: Die Technik wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens. Eine praktische Anleitung, 17th edition 2013


(Nguyen) Bui , Yvonne: How to Write a Master's Thesis, 2nd edition 2013


Oliver, Paul: Writing Your Thesis, 2nd edition 2008


Theisen, Manuel: Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten. Erfolgreich bei Bachelor- und Masterarbeit, 16th edition 2013

 B. Introductions to the scientific style of writing


Bahrych, Lynn; Rombauer, Marjorie Dick: Legal Writing in a Nutshell, 4th edition 2009


Davis, Martha; Davis, Kaaron Joann; Dunagan, Marion: Scientific Papers and Presentations: Navigating Scientific Communication in Today's World, 3rd edition 2012 [Kindle Edition]


Glasman-Deal, Hilary: Science Research Writing. A Guide for Non-Native Speakers of English, 2009


Haft, Fritjof: Juristische Schreibschule. Anleitung zum strukturierten Schreiben, 2009


Hofmann, Angelika: Scientific Writing and Communication. Papers, Proposals, and Presentations, 2nd edition 2013


Jele, Harald: Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten: Zitieren, 3rd edition 2012 (on the art of scientific quoting)


Lehmann, Günter: Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten. Zielwirksam verfassen und präsentieren, 3rd edition 2011


Peat, Jennifer; Elliott, Elizabeth; Baur, Louise; Keena, Victoria: Scientific Writing. Easy when you know how, 2002


Pospiech, Ulrike: Duden-Ratgeber - Wie schreibt man wissenschaftliche Arbeiten?, 2012


Vollmer, Hans: Die Doktorarbeit schreiben. Strukturebenen - Stilmittel - Textentwicklung, 2nd edition 2008


Yang, Jen Tsi: An Outline of Scientific Writing. For Researchers with English as a Foreign Language, 1995

C. Introductions to scientific legal research


Hoecke, Mark van (editor): Methodologies of Legal Research. Which Kind of Method for What Kind of Discipline?, 2013 (about alternative methods of legal research)


Holznagel, Bernd; Schumacher, Pascal; Ricke, Thorsten: Juristische Arbeitstechniken und Methoden. Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten für Juristen in Zeiten des Internets, 2012


Jaillardon, Edith; Roussillon, Dominique: Outils pour la recherche juridique. Méthodologie de la thèse de doctorat et du mémoire de master en droit, 2007


Kerschner, Ferdinand: Wissenschaftliche Arbeitstechnik und Methodenlehre für Juristen. Leitfaden für juristische Seminar-, Diplom-, Master- und Bakkalaureatsarbeiten, Dissertationen und wissenschaftliche Artikel, 6th edition 2013 [coming sooen]


Lomio, Paul; Spang-Hanssen, Henrik; Wilson, George: Legal Research Methods in a Modern World, 3rd edition 2011 [tries to bridge the gap between the European and American approaches to legal research]


Möllers, Thomas: Juristische Arbeitstechnik und wissenschaftliches Arbeiten. Klausur, Hausarbeit, Seminar- und Studienarbeit, Staatsexamen, Dissertation, 6th edition 2012


Putman, William; Albright, Jennifer: Legal Research, Analysis and Writing, 3rd edition 2013


Romi, Raphaël: Méthodologie de la recherche en droit: Master et doctorat, 2nd edition 2011


Tettinger, Peter; Mann, Thomas: Einführung in die juristische Arbeitstechnik. Klausuren - Haus- und Seminararbeiten - Dissertationen, 4th edition 2009

See also the extensive literature on legal methodology.

D. Practical guides for a successful thesis project


Beaud, Michel; Gravier, Magali;Toledo, Alain de: L'art de la thèse : Comment préparer et rédiger un mémoire de master, une thèse de doctorat ou tout autre travail universitaire à l'ère du Net, 2007


Brauner, Detlef; Vollmer, Hans: Erfolgreiches wissenschaftliches Arbeiten. Seminararbeit - Diplomarbeit - Doktorarbeit, 3rd edition 2008


Burton, Suzan; Steane, Peter (editors): Surviving your thesis, 2004


Eco, Umberto: Wie man eine wissenschaftliche Abschlussarbeit schreibt. Doktor-, Diplom- und Magisterarbeit in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften, 13th edition 2010


Finn, John A.: Getting a PhD: An action plan to help you manage your research, your supervisor and your project, 2007


Glatthorn, Allan A.; Joyner, Randy L.; Rouse, William A.: Writing the Winning Thesis or Dissertation. A Step-by-Step-Guide, 3rd edition 2012


Griffin, Mark C.: Writing the Thesis, updated 2007


Knigge-Illner, Helga: Der Weg zum Doktortitel. Strategien für die erfolgreiche Promotion, 2nd edition 2009


Mainguy, D.: Guide de la thèse (en droit), 2007


Messing, Barbara; Huber, Klaus P: Die Doktorarbeit - Vom Start zum Ziel. Lei(d)tfaden für Promotionswillige, 4th edition 2007


Münch, Ingo von; Mankowski, Peter: Promotion, 4th edition 2013


Nünning, Ansgar; Sommer, Roy (editors): Handbuch Promotion. Forschung - Förderung - Finanzierung, 2007


Stock, Steffe; Schneider, Patricia; Peper, Elisabeth; Molitor, Eva (editors): Erfolgreich promovieren. Ein Ratgeber von Promovierten für Promovierende, 2nd edition 2009

E. Practical guides on special aspects


Brauner, Detlef: Die Doktorarbeit veröffentlichen. Publikationsformen - Gestaltung - Vermarktung, 2013 [coming soon]


Hofman, Marci; Rumsey, Mary: International and foreign legal research, 2012 [on researching foreign and international law]


Jürgens, Kai: Wie veröffentliche ich meine Doktorarbeit? Der sichere Weg zum eigenen Buch, 2007 [e-book edition 2011]


Nicol, Natascha; Albrecht, Ralf: Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten schreiben mit Word 2010. Formvollendete und normgerechte Examens-, Diplom- und Doktorarbeiten, 7th edition 2012


Sesink, Werner: Einführung in das wissenschaftliche Arbeiten. Inklusive E-Learning, Web-Recherche, digitale Präsentation u.a., 9th edition 2012


A. Links concerning the general subject of the course


John W. Chinneck (Ottawa), How to Organize your Thesis


Mark C. Griffin, Writing the Thesis


D. Mainguy, Guide de la thèse (en droit), 2007


François Ost (Saint-Louis/Geneva), La thèse de doctorat en droit: du projet à la soutenance


Joe Wolfe (Sydney), How to write a PhD Thesis


Jens Peter Schneider (Freiburg), Leitfaden für eine Dissertation


School of Graduate Studies (Huntsville, USA), Thesis and Dissertation Preparation and Processing Manual, 2007

B. Information on legal literature in the internet (concerning § 2 III)


Online catalogues of legal literature for sale: amazon US (American literature), amazon Germany (German literature), amazon France (French literature), amazon UK (British literature), amazon China (Chinese literature), (literature in Japanese language), LGDJ (French legal literature), Verzeichnis lieferbarer Bücher (literature in German language or published in Germany, Austria, Switzerland)


Online catalogues and databases of libraries:  Libraries in Hanoi: Library of Hanoi Law University, Library of Vietnamese National University Hanoi National libraries: Thư viện quốc gia Việt Nam / National Library of Vietnam (Hanoi), Library of Congress (Washington), Deutsche Nationalbibliothek / German National Library (Berlin, Frankfurt, Leipzig), Bibliothèque nationale de France / National Library of France (Paris), British Library (London), National Diet Library (Tokyo, Kyoto), National Library of Korea (Seoul), National Library of China (Beijing), comprehensive lists of national libraries in Europe and national libraries in Southeast AsiaLaw libraries with a focus on comparative and international law: Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law (Hamburg), Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law (Freiburg), Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law (Heidelberg), Max Planck Institute for Social Law and Social Policy (Munich), Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for International, European and Regulatory Procedural Law, Max Planck Institute for European Legal History (Frankfurt); Catalogues of American law libraries


Metacatalogues (integrated search in various library catalogues):  Karlsruhe Virtual Catalogue (integrated search in all important German, Austrian and Suisse catalogues and in the most important library catalogues throughout the world, Univ. of Karlsruhe); Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (search engine for online publications), Copac (merged British and Irish catalogues), SUDOC (merged French catalogues), Internet Culturale (merged Italian catalogues), Virtual Law Library (metacatalogue project of the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin)


Specialised databases: GlobaLex (database on International, Comparative and Foreign Law, NYU), EISIL and ERG (databases on international law, ASIL), United Nations Treaty Collection (official UN database on international treaties), (database on world trade law, Simon Lester/Kara Leitner), CISG Database (database on intern. sales law, Pace Law School, NY), CISG-Online (database on intern. sales law, Ingeborg Schwenzer), Leitsatzkartei des deutschen Rechts (commercial database on articles published in German law journals, edited by the publishing house C.H. Beck); CommonLII (database on law in common law countries); see also the references at the Virtual Law Library; see also the Foreign and International Law Research Guide (Library of Congress)


Computer software for literature management: EndNote, RefWorks, Book Collector, JabRefCitavi, Buchliebhaber, Bibliographix

C. Other links concerning special subjects


concerning § 3 I: scientific plagiarism in Germany and Europe: the Guttenberg case (reports by Time World/Spiegel Online, information by the University of Bayreuth ), the Schavan case (reports by Deutsche Welle/Science/Spiegel Online, press release of the University of Düsseldorf); the Koch-Mehrin case (reports by Spiegel Online/BBC/Deutsche Welle; fraud factories in Germany (report by Spiegel Online); the Hungarian President's case (report by BBC)


concerning § 3 I: fight against plagiarism:; What is plagiarism? (Univ. Concordia/Univ. of North Carolina); Plagiarism and Paraphrasing (elaborated online guide with citation guides and guide on integrity expectations, Purdue University Global), Good academic practice in the context of theses submitted for a degree (Deutscher Hochschulverband/Allgemeiner Fakultätentag/Fakultätentag); Empfehlungen zur wissenschaftlichen Redlichkeit bei der Erstellung rechtswissenschaftlicher Texte [Recommendations on scientific integrity in the preparation of texts in legal science] (Deutscher Juristischer Fakultätentag)


Good academic practice in the context of theses submitted for a degree (Deutscher Hochschulverband/Allgemeiner Fakultätentag/Fakultätentag); Empfehlungen zur wissenschaftlichen Redlichkeit bei der Erstellung rechtswissenschaftlicher Texte [Recommendations on scientific integrity in the preparation of texts in legal science] (Deutscher Juristischer Fakultätentag)


concerning § 4: Formal Guidelines for Scientific Theses (Univ. of Bern); Thesis Guidelines (Central European Univ., Budapest); Principles of Scientific Writing (SCITEXT Cambridge); Tips for Academic Writing and Other Formal Writing (James Bednar)


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