Conference: Administrative Decision and Administrative Procedure under German, French and Vietnamese Law

German-Vietnamese Law Days 2013


Tuesday, 09.04.2013, 08:00 - 17:00 (Lunch break 12:00 - 13:30), Hanoi Law University, Conference room, Building B

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For the performance of public administration in a modern state based on the rule of law, administrative procedure law plays an important role. On the one hand, it shall provide for an effective and efficient functioning of public administration. On the other hand it shall ensure that administrative action is strictly in line with the rule of law and respects the rights of the citizens, thus minimising public administration-related conflicts and offering solutions to solve them constructively. These are demanding requirements. Vietnam is planning to cope with them in a Law on Administrative Decisions that is currently prepared. The conference aims to support this process by reflecting and discussing problems, solutions and experiences in Vietnamese, French and German law. It will in particular focus on the legal figure of the "administrative decision"/"administrative act", which is crucial but understood in a different way in all three administrative law systems.

With simultaneous translation English/Vietnamese (and, partially, German/Vietnamese). All interested guests are welcome.

The conference is part of the German-Vietnamese Law Days 2013 within the German-Vietnamese Rule of Law Dialogue (Đối thoại nhà nước pháp quyền Đức-Việt). Organizers: Hanoi Law University, Zentrum für deutsches Recht, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Hanoi Office; Contact: Dr. Nguyễn Văn Quang, Prof. Dr. Thomas Schmitz (


  1. Registration

  2. Opening and welcome remarks
    - Representatives of Hanoi Law University
    - Mr. Erwin Schweisshelm, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Hanoi
    Introduction to the topic and to the relevant legal terminology
    - Dr. Nguyễn Văn Quang, Hanoi Law University
    - Prof. Dr. Thomas Schmitz, DAAD Lecturer, German Law Centre, Hanoi Law University

  3. The current state of making administrative decisions and issues need to be discussed for the preparation of a Law on Administrative Decisions in Vietnam
    - Dr. Nguyễn Thị Kim Thoa, Ministry of Justice

  4. Administrative decision and administrative procedure in French administrative law
    - Benjamin Guégau, Ambassade de France au Vietnam, Pôle Justice - Droit - Gouvernance

  5. The adminstrative procedure in German administrative law
    - Prof. Dr. Thomas Schmitz

  6. Der Begriff des Verwaltungsaktes und seine Bedeutung für das Verwaltungsverfahrens- und prozessrecht
    - Prof. Dr. Roland Fritz, President of the Administrative Court Frankfurt am Main

  7. Discussion  | Lunch break

  8. Administrative decision and administrative act under Vietnamese administrative law and their influences on administrative court procedures
    - Dr. Bùi Thị Đào, Hanoi Law University

  9. The citizen's participation in the administrative procedure
    - Dr. Trần Thị Hiền, Hanoi Law University

  10. Discussion

  11. The requirements of the legality of the administrative decision
    - in French administrative law (Benjamin Guégau)
    - in German administrative law and European law (Prof. Dr. Thomas Schmitz)
    - in Vietnamese administrative law (Dr. Nguyễn Văn Quang)

  12. Discussion

Downloads (PDF files)  


Invitation  (English/Vietnamese)


Program (English/Vietnamese)


Terminology List/Terminologieverzeichnis/Bảng chú giải (German/English/Vietnamese)


German (federal) Administrative Procedure Act (Vietnamese translation, courtesy by GIZ)


Contribution of Benjamin Guégau (1) (English/Vietnamese)


Contribution of Thomas Schmitz (1) (English/Vietnamese)


Contribution of Roland Fritz (presentation, German/Vietnamese)


Contribution of Trần Thị Hiền (English/Vietnamese)


Contribution of Benjamin Guégau (2) (English/Vietnamese Diagram)


Contribution of Thomas Schmitz (2) (English/Vietnamese, Diagram1/Diagram2)



Reform of administrative procedure in Vietnam: current preparation of a draft law on administrative decision (information by MoJ)


General discussion about administrative procedure law: ICJP; Univ. of Lisbon (eds.): Lisbon Meeting on Administrative Procedure (comprehensive conference proceedings), 2011; Ulrich Stelkens: Administrative Procedure and Individual Rights (part of a course on admin. law in general); Cornelia Glinz: The right to be given reasons as part of a fair administrative procedure: A comparative study of Namibian, South African and German law, Namibia Law Journal 2009, 3; Jerry L. Mashaw: Reasoned Administration: The European Union, the United States, and the Project of Democratic Governance, Yale FSS Paper 1179, 2007


French administrative (procedure) law: Jean-Marie Pontier: La notion d'acte administratif unilatéral, 2013 (on the concept of unilateral administrative act); La gazette (ed.), L'acte administratif unilatéral


German administrative (procedure) law: Verwaltungsverfahrensgesetz / Administrative Procedure Act (English translation 2008) / Luật Thủ tục hành chính Đức (Vietnamese translation, GIZ); Ortlieb Fliedner: General Legislation on Administrative Procedures: What is the Rationale? The Case of Germany (SIGMA paper); Eberhard Schmidt-Aßmann: Structures and functions of administrative procedures in German, European and international law, 2008; Ulrich Stelkens: Einführung in das Verwaltungsverfahrensrecht, 2011 (presentation); Richard Haakh: Handlungsformen der Verwaltung, insbesondere der Verwaltungsakt (comprehensive teaching materials); Rüdiger Schaer: Der Verwaltungsakt (comprehensive teaching materials); Tina Röder: Der Verwaltungsakt (diagram on the characteristics of an administrative act)


European administrative (procedure) law: Armin Hatje: Towards a European Administrative Procedure Act, 2011


Administrative procedure law of other countries: Japan: Administrative Procedure Act (Japanese/English); Taiwan: Administrative Procedure Act (Chinese/English); USA: Administrative Procedure Act (APA); in Europe: Wolfgang Rusch: Administrative Procedures in the EU Member States (SIGMA paper), 2009; Swedish Staatskontoret (ed.), Principles of Good Administration in the Member States of the European Union, 2005; Tom Barkhuysen; Willemien Ouden; Schuurman: The Law on Administrative Procedures in the Netherlands; Switzerland: Federal Act on Administrative Procedure (English translation); Austria: General Administrative Procedure Act (English translation); Croatia: General Administrative Procedure Act (English translation);


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